column spacing中文什么意思

发音:   用"column spacing"造句
  • column:    n. 1.【建筑】圆柱;圆柱状物〔如 ...
  • spacing:    n. 1.(留)间隔,间距。 2.【 ...
  • spacing column:    定距柱
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  1. I use an array to save the column spacing for each row
  2. The alternative is to reduce the height of the wall unit , keeping its length equal to the column spacing
  3. A file can piece together 256 small picture at most , and it can auto - add crop lines to every small picture , and auto - leave line space and column space between parts
  4. Through a lot of small scale simulated tests in construction field , this paper systemically analyzed the dependence of the open area and visible depth of blasting craters , the thrown distance and the accumulation state of rock on the row spacing and the column spacing of plane charge


  1. column sleeve 什么意思
  2. column slenderness ratio 什么意思
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  4. column sorting 什么意思
  5. column space 什么意思
  6. column span 什么意思
  7. column speaker 什么意思
  8. column special visceral efferent 什么意思
  9. column spinner 什么意思
  10. column spiral 什么意思


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